Blognic London 2017

If you've been following the Papermash journey for a while, you'll know about our annual (sometimes bi-annual!) Blognic events. They're a fun, relaxed way to meet friendly creative types! They've evolved over the years in the same way social media has. In the beginning, people were super-snappy with their SLR cameras, but it's become more of a quick phone photo event! It's usually 20-30 people, which is a nice number for chatting to everyone. Each year I've met new (to me) bloggers and designers and as it's pretty low-key and low-profile the types it attracts tend to be very open and friendly. Last year was one of my favourite Blognics. It was chucking it down with rain (intermittently!), but it meant those who persevered really wanted to be there. There were some kids having a lot of fun hiding amidst the trees.
This year my friend Zeena Shah is co-hosting Blognic with me on Sunday, 23rd July, in Regent's Park, London. You can RSVP here - we'll be sending out location details nearer the time.